How to use a Cash Windfall to Restore your Beautiful Smile
Posted on:
29 October 2016
When we come into money in middle age, it can be more of a curse than a blessing. Sometimes a few thousand dollars we never thought we'd ever have can become a source of anxiety about whether it should be saved or spent and what to potentially spend it on.
However, one way to spend a windfall that will have tangible benefits is to invest in cosmetic procedures — the kind that you've probably been thinking about having for years (or decades) but written off as impossible for financial reasons.
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How to Stop Your Dentures from Triggering Your Gag Reflex
Posted on:
13 October 2016
The gag reflex is an automatic, protective response your body makes to something unexpected or unusual touching the back of your throat. This reflex is useful as it helps you to vomit when necessary and prevents you from swallowing potentially harmful foreign bodies. However, some denture users find that their dentures can unexpectedly trigger the gag reflex. This unpleasant sensation makes wearing dentures very uncomfortable. However, help is at hand. Here are a few tips for preventing your dentures from causing you to gag.
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How to Make Your Smile Photogenic
Posted on:
22 September 2016
Many of us Australians enjoy posting photos of each other these days. However, we can sometimes cringe at portraits of our smiles, especially when we have been captured in an unguarded moment. If you find yourself consistently unhappy with how you look in photos, this dissatisfaction probably comes down to a lack of confidence in your smile. Not smiling fully is often a result of how we think others view our teeth.
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3 Tips for Cutting the Cost of Dental Treatment
Posted on:
12 September 2016
Unlike most medical procedures, dental treatment in Australia is not covered by Medicare, the universal health insurance scheme available to all citizens and permanent residents. This means that for the 40% of Australians not covered by private health insurance, visiting the dentist for a check-up or procedure can be very expensive. Almost half the adult population delays or avoids visiting the dentist due to cost, despite the clear importance of keeping your pearly whites healthy and clean.
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