Clearing Up Some Misconceptions About False Teeth

Posted on: 29 June 2018
False teeth are a great choice for anyone who has rotten or otherwise severely damaged teeth that should be extracted, or for those who have lost teeth due to disease, surgery, injury, and the like. Getting fitted for false teeth is less painful than getting dental implants, since implants require an actual surgery. Implants also may not be an option for someone who has suffered bone loss or whose jaw cannot support those implants for any reason.
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The Pain Free Dental Implant Procedure

Posted on: 22 May 2018
Most people fear dental implants because they don't like the idea of having a screw drilled into their jaw. The immediate thought is of how painful it can be, and thus they dismiss the idea of implants altogether. This decision, for the most part, is arrived at when people don't understand the damage, like shifting and imbalance, that's caused by a missing tooth. Shifting occurs when the tooth behind the missing one leans forward, and the one in front of it leans back.
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Teen Teeth Whitening: Are Teens Old Enough to Whiten Their Teeth?

Posted on: 23 April 2018
If you're the parent of a teen, you already know that the adolescent years tend to bring a focus on appearance along with them. Whilst some appearance changes are not too worrisome -- after all, that hair will grow back! -- other types of appearance changes may concern you. If your teen wants to whiten their teeth, you might be wondering whether it's all right, or whether they're too young to do so safely.
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Braced for the Long Term: What Happens if Braces Are Never Removed?

Posted on: 30 March 2018
When a patient decides to get braces to straighten their teeth, they make a long-term commitment. That means they could be in braces for as long as 24 months, which is the average for orthodontic treatment. However, life has a habit of springing surprises. If a patient is no longer able to see their orthodontist, it is best that they remove their braces. If a patient decides to do nothing, i.
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