Partial Dentures: A Cost-Effective Solution for Missing Teeth
Partial dentures are commonly known as partial plates. They are used to replace teeth that were lost due to disease or injury. They can help replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. Gaps in teeth cause a multitude of problems. One of these is that they cause the remaining teeth to begin moving at an angle towards the missing space. This causes an overall disruption in the alignment of an individual's teeth.
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Dealing With A Knocked-Out Tooth: The Do's And Don'ts
Picture this: one minute you are having a great time enjoying a soccer game, and the next you are in excruciating pain as you look at your knocked-out tooth in disbelief. You don't need to panic, however. Try to keep calm and do the one thing that you should do: calling an emergency dentist. You can push back your routine dental checkup, but in some cases, such as tooth loss caused by the trauma from accidents during contact sports, dental care cannot wait.
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When Whitening Gets on Your Tooth's Nerves: How Should You Approach Whitening Chipped Teeth?
If you are planning to whiten your teeth in the near future, ensure that you examine your teeth beforehand. This is especially important if you plan to use an over-the-counter whitening kit. Before in-house teeth whitening takes place, your dentist will examine your teeth for decay or damage. Badly chipped or broken teeth should not be whitened until they have been repaired. Moreover, your dentist can protect chipped teeth during the whitening procedure.
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What to expect during a tooth extraction
Most patients fear a trip to the dentist, but they know it is mandatory. Tooth extraction involves the removal of a tooth from its socket. A dentist or an oral surgeon does the procedure. Reasons for tooth extraction There are many reasons that necessitate the removal of a tooth: Crowded mouth Overcrowding of teeth can also necessitate a tooth extraction in order to create space for teeth alignment. Infection Tooth decay can be dangerous especially if it extends to the blood vessels inside the teeth.
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How to Find a Dentist Who Understands Your Lingo
Do you find yourself far away from home in a country where your native language is not of much use? You may have been deployed to Australia from your native China for work reasons, and even though you could not speak much English, you felt that you needed to go. After all, this would help you to gather more experience and work yourself up the chain in your organisation. The language barrier may not be too much of an issue in your workplace, as you may be surrounded by fellow immigrants and your job may be fairly technical anyway, but it can sometimes be a challenge when you're trying to fit in socially.
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Wisdom Tooth Extractions: Can You Drive Yourself Home After Surgery?
When your dentist explains how your wisdom tooth extraction will work, they will give you some post-surgical care recommendations. This typically includes some instructions on what you can and can't do for the first few days after the procedure. On a more immediate basis, you may be wondering how you'll get yourself home after the appointment. Is it safe for you to drive? What Kind of Anaesthetic Are You Having?
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6 Tips to Avoid Denture Slippage
Dentures provide a convenient solution to missing teeth for many people, but sometimes they can cause problems with eating or speaking. If you are struggling with denture slippage, try using these top tips to reduce or resolve the problem. 1. Start With Soft Foods Dentures are capable of chewing a wide range of foods, but it can take a while for eating with them to feel normal. When you are getting used to a new set of dentures, stick to softer foods until they feel familiar.
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Clearing Up Some Misconceptions About False Teeth
False teeth are a great choice for anyone who has rotten or otherwise severely damaged teeth that should be extracted, or for those who have lost teeth due to disease, surgery, injury, and the like. Getting fitted for false teeth is less painful than getting dental implants, since implants require an actual surgery. Implants also may not be an option for someone who has suffered bone loss or whose jaw cannot support those implants for any reason.
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The Pain Free Dental Implant Procedure
Most people fear dental implants because they don't like the idea of having a screw drilled into their jaw. The immediate thought is of how painful it can be, and thus they dismiss the idea of implants altogether. This decision, for the most part, is arrived at when people don't understand the damage, like shifting and imbalance, that's caused by a missing tooth. Shifting occurs when the tooth behind the missing one leans forward, and the one in front of it leans back.
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Teen Teeth Whitening: Are Teens Old Enough to Whiten Their Teeth?
If you're the parent of a teen, you already know that the adolescent years tend to bring a focus on appearance along with them. Whilst some appearance changes are not too worrisome -- after all, that hair will grow back! -- other types of appearance changes may concern you. If your teen wants to whiten their teeth, you might be wondering whether it's all right, or whether they're too young to do so safely.
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