4 After Care Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Posted on: 7 May 2021

Wisdom teeth often come out when a person is in their late teens or twenties and is characterised by jaw pain, gum swelling, bad breath and more. A qualified dentist will be able to evaluate whether these teeth should be taken out and can perform the procedure themselves. How about the after-care? Wisdom teeth removal is often known to be a painful and uncomfortable experience. Here are some tips that can ease the recovery process:

Reduce the pain

Pain after teeth removal is often at its peak during the 1-2 days after the surgery and tends to disappear after the fourth or fifth day. To help ease the pain, the dentist will often prescribe pain medication to be taken as directed for the first few days. The patient will then be able to use normal over-the-counter pain relievers until the pain is gone. Another tip is to hold an ice pack to the outside of the face for 10-15 minutes where the teeth were extracted. This should help reduce discomfort. It is also important to rest and keep excessive physical activity to a minimum to help the mouth heal faster.

Avoid infections

Keeping the extraction site as clean as possible is vital to avoid infection. It is important to avoid eating dense or solid foods for a few days to prevent particles from getting stuck or contaminating the site. Instead, it's best to stick with liquid foods like soups, smoothies and yogurts. Another tip is to rinse the mouth with warm salted water, best taken 1-2 days after the surgery.

Manage the swelling

It is normal to experience swelling for a few days after the surgery. Some tips to reduce swelling include sucking on ice chips and elevating the head by sitting upright, or lying on a stack of pillows when sleeping.

Minimise Bleeding

Bleeding is to be expected after the surgery. To keep bleeding at a minimum, apply pressure with a gauze pad for half an hour and repeat until bleeding stops.

The above tips will help minimise the pain, swelling and discomfort that is often experienced after a wisdom teeth removal surgery. Dentists will provide after-care advice which should be properly followed to speed the recovery process and ease any pain. If pain, swelling or bleeding worsens, it is important to speak to the dentist to ensure there aren't any serious concerns. Contact a dentist for more information regarding wisdom teeth removal.
